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Zoho CRM
Badger Maps Badger Maps
Save time planning your routes: connect routes to Waze, Google Maps, or Apple Maps and optimize routes with multiple destinations to drive fewer miles.
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Lead Finder Lead Finder
Find leads and businesses based on a specific keyword and location. This extension finds businesses in the specified location and lists them.
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Automate engagement, tasks, moving prospects through the sales funnel, email sequences, SMS sequences, and more in Zoho CRM.
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SalesCoaching SalesCoaching
Make calls using Twilio and get customer sentiment insights and a lead score generated using machine learning and AI.
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Linckr Linckr
Automate the process of finding leads on LinkedIn and saving them to Zoho CRM. The integration works on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator views, profiles, connections, and more.
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Google Drive Google Drive
Seamlessly synchronize, share, access, and manage files associated with Zoho CRM records from your Google Drive account.
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Telephony Telephony
Make calls instantly, get contextual information for incoming calls, and log call recordings in the contact record after the call ends.
Send personalized messages to leads and customers using templates. You can also send out bulk text messages and view message history.
Route Mobile
Mocean API
Zoho Desk
Customer Ticket History Customer Ticket History
Get contextual information to better understand customer needs with the ability to view all recent tickets from that customer.
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Zapier Zapier
Instantly connect your help desk with 2000+ apps without any coding or relying on developers to build integrations.
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BrightPay BrightPay for Zoho Books
Automate payroll tasks, including the ability to send payroll journals directly from BrightPay to Zoho Books.
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