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Make your email campaigns smarter

For marketers, sending great email campaigns should never be a struggle. In fact, it should be second nature. There are resources available to make your emails “smart”, such as A/B testing, segmentation of the list, dynamic content and so on. Read further to ensure that your campaigns stand out in your contact's inbox.

Campaigns that make an impact

The two-part blog explores how Zoho Campaigns can help you send out high-performing emails that are targeted and more interactive.

In the first half (Part 1) of the blog we will discuss the impact of testing campaigns, the advantages of sending emails when a recipient is most active, safeguarding domain reputation, handling bounces, unsubscribes, and spam complaints and finally, seeing emails the way your recipients would.

Personalizing your campaigns

The second part (Part 2) of the blog touches upon adapting to perspective-based personalization, creating informed and interactive emails, automatically segmenting your target audience and hearing your recipients virtually.

Ways to make your campaign a success 

Let's make it even easier for you. Here's a 10-point checklist to refer before sending out your email campaigns. Whether testing versions of the same email or automatically splitting and sending bulk emails in batches, make sure you check everything off the list before you click send. We encourage you to print this and pin it in your workplace.  

Follow our Twitter campaign

Did you know you can now analyze the sentiments of your recipients? Automatically recording your contacts' replies by enabling the Reply Tracking feature will help you understand and categorize contacts based on their interest in your brand. Was this helpful? Follow the hashtag #SmartEmailMarketing on Twitter for more insights. 

Webinar to help you send smart emails

Lastly, check out our webinar on intelligent email marketing with Zoho Campaigns. Here you'll learn how to use Zoho Campaigns to send out amazing email campaigns that produce results. 


Vipasha Sinha 

Product Marketer