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An old African proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child," which is true of anything we do. It's always a collective effort to make something successful.

Similarly, it takes a unit to make an email campaign successful. Even if you have fabulous email content, an ill-managed list will land you in the Spam folder. Every aspect of email marketing needs to be thought out to achieve the desired engagement.

In this month's newsletter, we'll talk about the various aspects of email newsletters that make them an asset in the larger scheme of things.


Email marketing experts share insights on newsletters

Sending newsletters is one of the best ways to nuture leads, and it is a fairly simple process. But how does one start? To help us understand the nuances of writing and sending newsletters, the Zoho Campaigns team recently conducted a Twitter Chat with some email marketing experts. The panel discussed content strategies, developing a quality email list and commonly mad mistakes.


Effectively test your campaign with an email seed list

To build a strong audience for the newsletters, testing your emails is crucial. In last month's newsletter, we talked about Email Seed Lists—the Whats, Whys, and Hows.This month, we talk about how to effectively test your campaign with an email seed list. In fact, we've put together a checklist to effectively send a test campaign with an email seed list so you can optimize the overall performance of your email campaign.


Choose pre-designed templates for every campaign

One of the most important aspects of sending a quality newsletter is an interactive template. Zoho Campaigns has an array of pre-designed templates that can be used for any occasion, including for newsletters. Design is an important factor affecting deliverability, and these templates will save you the trouble of working on a template from scratch.


Expert Diaries with Brian Minick

Talking about deliverability, we recently spoke to Brian Minick, who is the Chief Operating Officer of ZeroBounce, an online email validation and deliverability platform where companies can verify their email list and use deliverability tools to optimize their campaigns. He sheds light on the importance of list hygiene, its impact on the brand that purchases the email list, email list segmentation strategies, send time-frequency, how to maintain a good sender score, and how to prevent blacklisting.